Neural Style on March 13, 2016
L'intelligence artificielle, la robotique, ou les réseaux de neurones seront des technologies de demain. Demain Concrètement, on l'a bien vu cette semaine, AlphaGo a battu Lee Sedol, l'un des champions mondiaux du jeu de go. On a franchi une barrière compar...
Le gardien du savoir on December 20, 2015
Voilà la release du gardien du savoir by Darkwood ! Oui, effectivement sur l'AppleStore on peut aussi publier ses applications Mac avec un seul compte Member Center pour mac. Au paravent il fallait payer deux fois 80€ pour chaque stores : le Mac AppStore et...
Écrire ses notes et les synchroniser on December 11, 2015
Quand je travaille, j’aime beaucoup les utilitaires du quotidien qui améliorent la productivité. Aujourd’hui, je vous explique ma façon que j’utilise pour la prise de notes. Prendre des notes n’est pas quelque chose d’anodin quand on se penche sur le sujet....
Darkwood Symfony ! on November 13, 2015
Today is a sad and good news. Sad because Darkwood no longer uses Delia. A little thought and tear for this house made framework and built with love. However, it became difficult to maintain for a single person. But happy because Darkwood now changing and c...
Darkwood, Cross-Platform! on December 1, 2010
Darkwood has not finished invade you in your life, find your favorite game on the platform of your choice. You're on the move, but you do lose your time in the trip. Remember to bring your iPhone to keep you busy and move up the rankings. You sit quietly i...
Darkwood, new style, new life! on August 10, 2010
It is with joy that I announce the opening of the site Darkwood comeback containing the original foundations of the previous site dating from 2005, while providing a new frame is more robust and flexible, which were made freshly new wait C...
Darkwood cleaned on September 25, 2008
The player who has not logged for at least 3 months and still remained at 0 for XP will be deleted!
25 new enemies on August 31, 2008
Skydean proposed 25 new enemies to fight.
Free killed Darkwood on August 31, 2008
Darkwood's site undergoes an interruption of several days by Free.
Last fight on June 24, 2008
The last enemy you fought is stored in memory. You will find it the next time you come.