Creation of site map on September 30, 2006
The site map is now available in the menu.
Setting the website Standards on September 25, 2006
This site is compatible with the standards XHTML 1.1, CSS, RSS.
Record numbers of registered on May 27, 2006
Thank you for your participation!
New Banner on December 9, 2005
Grimaldi Jordael participated in the creation of the new banner.
Look for Ruby! on December 5, 2005
You can add up to a maximum of 3 ruby on your sword in order to improve it.
Viewing Classes on November 26, 2005
You can now view what is the class of any player.
Classes added on November 22, 2005
You can now choose your class.
Changes when die on November 20, 2005
You lose 10 times the gold of the enemy who has defeated you.
Disconnection during a fight on November 6, 2005
During a battle and if you disconnect, you will return exactly the same point you left off at the next reconnection.
Next update on November 4, 2005
The database has been fully reviewed, following the major upgrade.