Chat on the site on October 24, 2005
Chat on the site
Guestbook added on October 23, 2005
Post your messages on the guestbook.
Counter added on October 22, 2005
You can now see the number of people who have gone on the main page of this site.
The news in RSS format on October 18, 2005
You can now find all the news via the RSS feed
Invite a friend on this website on October 16, 2005
You can invite a friend by mail.
Lists too long on October 15, 2005
The display lists were too long.
Changements on swords on October 9, 2005
SPEED parameter swords has been suppressed
Changements when die after a fight on October 9, 2005
If you die after a fight, you lose all your gold and 10 times the experience of the enemy who has defeated you.
Add-ons on October 9, 2005
You can now view the list of registered and the informations on the players.
New ranklist on October 8, 2005
The rank of the players of the daily fight is now available in the menu.